Category Archives: Thomas

Blog Entry4 Analysis of Beneficiary Experience

Thomas Berger

The competitors– Based on our research, we decided that there are no major competitors in our market doing the exact same activity as us. On the other hand, our rivals Spotify, Soundcloud, and Apple Music distribute music to individuals, and most of them only have access to one kind. However, they do not have the same program that we are putting in place for those in underdeveloped nations who wish to produce music and gain identification.

When it comes to choosing a listening platform for music. We are entering markets that are comparable to those of these bigger music apps. Our offering stands out in that it is aimed at artists from developing nations who are still relatively unknown worldwide. Because people want to listen to the most popular songs, other music apps are providing users with access to them, knowing that doing so will increase their revenue. What sets us apart is that our music is enjoyed by listeners who also want to donate money and credit to those who truly need it.

Proctor Posters

My group decided to sell customized posters involving the Proctor Academy campus, sporting events, and customer photos. Since Proctor has changed the rules around decoration in rooms and is no longer allowing any cloth or fabric material on the walls, we were hoping it was going to be a big hit. We have a few orders in for custom photos.

Example Above:

When a customer wants a poster or a custom poster, they will email us. If they would like a personalized poster, they will submit their preferred photo and the necessary funds. Then, we make edits to make it appear more understated. We meet with our customer after modifying to find out if they approve of our changes. We then send it to the printer if the customer approves of the edits. We will meet with the customer to deliver the poster after it has been printed.

Social Enterprise Problem and Solution Statement

My group members and I created a business plan that shares music from artists who live in a developing country. The problem we are working on is ending unemployment around the world. The business name is ‘Global Hits. The main idea of this project is to help people in foreign countries to produce music. We would have people make an account and pay a given amount of money. We would take that money and help make studios for those who want to make music but can’t because they won’t have the money or resources too. 

We as a buisness would bring in the money we get from the people who are making the accounts for our app. And this app is would help revenue money and we would decide on how much we would get and then how much the producers of the music would make.

I strongly believe that this app would help benefit lower income producers who want the opportunity to share their music. The music that these people make wouldn’t necessarily be their full time job. It could be a side hustle for small creators trying to become known. It won’t not only benefit them but also us in bringing in money and sharing our app to even bigger people and companies and maybe partner with them.

Life in Massachusetts vs Kenya


The life in Massachusetts is drastically more different than the life being born from Kenya.


42.45205879518363, -71.37576783730717

Table of Contents:

1.Level of Education

2. Health Care Access

3. Life Expectancy

4. Level of Income


Massachusetts School:

Based on growing up in Massachusetts, my projected level of educational attainment is high compared to others around the country.  The population of people with advanced degrees aged 25+ in MA is 20%, Bachelors 42% or more, 90-92% have High School Degrees. 

Kenyan School:

In terms of educational attainment in Kenya for males, 54.5% completed a primary school education. The government in Kenya provides free primary and secondary schooling.

Health Care

Massachusetts Hospital

Based on being White in America, my access to healthcare is greater compared to  some other racial groups.  According to KFF ( 73% of white people in the US had access to employer or private healthcare compared to 51% of Black people, and 48% Hispanic and 75% Asian for example.

Kenyan Hospital

Health care Access in Kenya: 

In Kenya, there are not as many resources and access to healthcare compared to the amount we have in the US.  26% of Kenya’s population has health insurance compared to around 76% of White Males in the US.–4108274#:~:text=Uptake%20among%20the%20economically%20active,Health%20Survey%20(KDHS)%202022.

Life Expectancy

Massachusetts life expectancy:

According to the CDC, based on being white Male in the United States my life expectancy would be around 77.9

Specifically being from Massachusetts, it is a little greater and goes up to 79 years.

Kenyan Life Expectancy:

In Kenya, the life expectancy at birth for males is 58.94, much less than the average for the US Male. It is currently increasing each year for the life expectancy for people living and being born in Kenya.,about%2058.94%20years%20on%20average.

Level Of Income

Massachusetts Level of Income:

In Massachusetts, the median household income  is $89,026 according to the US Census.

Kenyan Level of Income:

Median Level of Income in Kenya is 2,170 US dollars is the national gross income. Kenya recently attained lower-middle income status.,value%20in%20the%20observed%20period.